Learning Resources for Autistic Children 自闭症儿童学习资源

A booklet published in July 2022 documenting a series of projects undertaken since 2015 to develop teaching materials for children with autism using an industrial design methodology and process. In association with XingXingYu 星星雨 School, Beijing. 

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Tiger New Year Card Workshop

Every year we try to hold a workshop with a New Year card theme. This year was a challenge because many areas of Beijing were facing restrictions, but we still managed a couple of workshops with a fun animated tiger card. Images from two workshops — at BIT auxiliary research school in LiangXiang and the Courtyard Institute in Beijing.

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6th International Conference for Design Education Researchers

Design Research Society LEARNxDESIGN Conference 2021, 24–26 September 2021 Jinan|China
My colleague and I presented two papers at this conference; One about the card education resource I had developed and another about teaching Design History in China. 

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