Teaching Resources: Shapes and Coin Sorting Trays

These resources were developed in collaboration with 星星雨 XingXingYu school in Beijing by 郎启越 Lang Qiyue while a student at 中央美院 CAFA

They demonstrate the potential for creating specialist teaching tools for students with autism that can be printed and made at home. 

If you would like to make either of these examples, the files may be downloaded below. 

Instructions: print each template onto thin (about 250gsm) card at A3.
Cut out the solid lines with a knife and fold the dotted lines. The card tray should be folded and glued (or taped/stapled) as shown. The inserts can then be placed into the tray. Do not glue the inserts as they need to be removed after each activity is completed. The shapes below were made using a 3D printer.
These boards may be adapted in infinite ways to sort other objects according to shape, colour, size etc. 

Recognising Shapes Board
Recognising Coins Board
Steps to make the board from the printed template